MyWingman - Lifting your pilot career to the next level


You are dreaming of becoming a professional pilot in the near future.

But do you really know how to become a pilot?
And, above all, do you have what it takes?


Before spending the thousands on the flight training it is crucial for you (and possibly your sponsors or parents) to check if you are ready to start the pilot education. 

There might be some aspects you can work on before joining a flight school that can make your training experience more effective, less stressful and less costly. 

You can also have an opportunity to see how the real entry assessments look like, either in a flight school or in an airline.


MyWingman can assist you in checking:

  • do you have core personality traits that are necessary for a professional pilot?
  • what are your strong competencies you should highlight and limitations you should work on before start of your education and during your training?
  • how to choose the best school for you and your needs?
  • how can you already plan your career path without unnecessary stress and suprices ?
  • how does the real pilot psychological assessment look like ?

You can find this in our JUNIOR PILOT PREPARATION PACK


All online, with materials sent to your mailbox, you don’t need to travel anywhere!


Junior PIlot Preparation Pack

€ 399

As an active, practicing Aviation Psychologist I can organise professional one-on-one online assessment for you, with a battery of tools commonly used in the aviation market.  
Using software from Symbiotics - ADAPT Pilot Aptitude Test specially tailored for your needs.

After the assessment you will receive an individual, detailed report on your performance that will be sent to you.

During the session we will discuss the results and talk about your capabilities and competencies you should work on before joining or during early stages of your flight training. We will also talk about ways to improve some limitations.

Knowing your scores from the assessments combined with your personality characteristics I can provide you with the individual, ready solutions and excercises that can improve your chances of success during entry assessments and during first stages of your flight training.

Based on the results of the assessment, your background, possibilities and aspirations, we will discuss the best course of action for your pilot career. 

After the session you will receive the certificate which you can present to your chosen flight school.


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